Parish Council

Pastoral Council Roster/2024-2025

Fr. Peter Lawrence                               734-439-2030

Jack Flanagan, Deacon                       734-434-3037

Alison Bondie                                         734-646-3788

Paul Durkee                                           734-439-2796

Kristina Foor                                            734-645-7125

Joan Malach                                            734-323-0746

Cristin Harsh                                             517-701-1014

Josh Kofflin                                             734-439-0823

Steve Wojtowicz                                     734-368-3856

Shannon Dare Wayne                           734-732-6439

Katie Lubke                                           734-657-3481

Vicki Kiss                                                  734-776-3893

Jan Kiger                                               734-474-1377


What is the Parish Pastoral Council?

The Parish Council is made up of twelve parishioners nominated by the congregation to help and to advise the pastor on ways to maintain and enhance the parish grounds and facilities to assure that the Faith Community can gather in worship, fellowship, provide religious education, and support the action required to fulfill our Parish Mission, minimize overall operating costs and enhance improvements within parish finances. Members serve a three year term; four new members are chosen each year.

What does the Parish Council do?

The Parish Council, in consultation with the Pastor and the Finance Council and with input from parishioners, establishes short term and long term goals for parish facility development.

The Parish Council also helps coordinate programs, services and communications among the various parish commissions and services.